I promised myself that I was going to keep up on the blog while I was down here, and so far its been a complete bust. I'm going to try and be better from here on out. Here's what's happened so far. We drove down on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and Leo was a real trooper. We were worried that he would get tired of being in the car seat, but he just spent a lot of time sleeping and was surprisingly happy. Of course, now that we're here he won't let me leave him in his seat for more than twenty minutes without freaking out. I think he's afraid that I'll leave him in there for twelve hours again. Hopefully he forgets in the next few weeks so we can get him back to Utah.
We had Thanksgiving dinner with Ty's extended family out in Tonopah. It was a lot of fun and the food was delicious. (Of course.) Then we had pie later that night with my family. I ate way too much, as usual, but it was worth it. The weather was absolutely perfect, and it made me very happy that we chose to come down.
Ty had to go back to Utah a few days after Thanksgiving to finish up school. He had his last class today and just has to worry about finals now. We're excited that he'll be back down in a week. I've been keeping busy with several different projects. (I'll post pictures when they're done.) So far I've made two quilt tops, I'm half way through a Christmas tree skirt, and I've mended and hemmed several things. We also got the house all decorated for Christmas and threw a post-choir-concert party for my nephews. It was a lot of fun and is really helping me survive sans husband.
Leo has started eating solid foods on a more regular basis and he loves it! Especially now that we have a high chair for him to sit in.
He is such a good eater and has yet to turn his nose up at anything I've offered him. Usually he gives me a "what the crap" look when I give him the first bite of something new, but then he just goes with it. He's pretty laid back, which is nice. The only problem is that he can't (or won't) stay sitting upright while he eats. And if I try and take a break to straighten him out he freaks.
1 comment:
You look super cute in that group shot Kris! I tried scanning back through to see what the bump on his head is, it doesn't look like he had it in his baby pictures, but a goose-egg doesn't usally last for weeks right?
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