Leo is loving babies right now.
Every time he holds his new cousin Liam he says things like,
"He really likes me mom."
"He thinks I'm a good bed." (Any time Liam is sleeping.)
or, "He has such tiny ears, feet, eyes, hands, etc.)
After the last time we saw Liam, Leo asked me why he isn't allowed to hold babies while he's standing up.
He said, "I know I can do it mom, if you just let me. Plus, I need to practice so I can hold baby Jaxon while we get the candy on Halloween. I can hold my bag in my hand and baby Jaxon in my arms."
Uh, let me think about that one.
Not happening.
Now that Leo is in school Jay has decided that he quite likes being the only child. While Leo is gone Jay is happy and mostly well behaved. When Leo comes home Jay turns into a contentious little monster. There is nothing in the world that makes him madder than Leo interrupting him. He seriously loses his mind. I'm a little worried about how he's going to react to being displaced by a newborn.
He did, however, mention Jaxon by name last Sunday. It was the first and only time it's ever happened, but at least I know that Jay knows what's going on.