Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm Back!

It's been a bit longer than 10 days. Sorry about that. I've just been a little busy and blogging hasn't been high enough on my list of priorities to get accomplished. (Sacrilege, I know, but my list is like 1. Get through the day, 2. Don't kill my child, 3. Make sure everyone gets fed, 4. Blog) So any how, here's a rundown of our trip. We flew into Phoenix on Saturday afternoon so that we (and by "we" I mean Leo) would have some time to get adjusted. Then on Sunday, after several delays to their arrival time, we went to the airport to pick up my parents. (They just got back from a church mission to Fiji if you didn't know.) The lighting at the airport is terrible so my pictures didn't turn out all that well, but it was really fun and so good to see my parents again after 18 months.

Mom is in there somewhere.

That's the back of my dad.
We ended up getting some kind of nasty flu that night and spent the rest of the trip passing it around to everyone we came in contact with. Plus, Leo picked the beginning of the trip to start this more-than-a-little annoying phase where all he wants is me. (We're not quite out of that one yet.) Needless to say, there was quite a bit of this:

And more than a little of this:

And this:

All in the name of keeping my little terrorist happy.
He finally got some of this:

And life was better for everyone involved.
I'm not sure why, but I didn't take any pictures from Monday through Saturday. We spent a lot of time just hanging out with the people that we love and eating a lot of yummy food. A day or two before we left Leo decided it was okay to relax and spend some time away from me. He even went to, and was happy with:

Grandpa Wheeler

Grandma Reber

And Grandma Fay

Oh, how's this for a funny story? This kid has refused to take a Binky since the day he was born. However, as soon as he saw one in his cousin Meghan's mouth he had to have it. He really liked to steal her Binky and chew on it. We tried to give him an extra one that was lying around, but he wasn't interested. If he couldn't take it from Meghan, he didn't want it.


angiedunn said...

it was so awesome to see you.
i'm glad you and becca stopped by!

"my little terrorist" hahaha...leo's adorable.

ps: your parents are my favorite.

RPH said...

How fun to have your parents back! Love your dads pink shirt! Great pictures. Reading this made me wish I could have been there to spend time with your family. I love all of you guys!