Thursday, February 12, 2009

25 Random Things (Courtesy of Facebook)

1. I love reading and can do it all day and through the night.
2. I always get disappointed when I rush through a good book. I can't stand waiting to find out what happens, but I always wish there was more.
3. Being married makes me so, super happy. (And being a mom isn't too bad either.)
4. My second toe is (way) longer than my big toe. Ty thinks this is so gross, and I think it's the best. (We were both hoping Leo would get our toes and he ended up with one long second toe and one short.)
5. I love getting into a bed that's been made. We don't make our bed very often these days because our ghetto box spring makes it treacherous and it makes me sad.
6. I love, love, love to bake.
7. Eating what I bake is really good too. (Especially cookies. I love cookies!)
8. I really like blogging/writing in general because I think I'm funny and I like talking about myself. (And I don't think that makes me at all conceited.)
9.I hate being wrong and will almost never admit that I am, even when it's totally obvious that I am.
10. When I read a book that I like I try and read it again at least once to make sure that I didn't miss anything important.
11. I used to be a total T.V. junkie but now I hardly watch it at all. I don't like having to wait a week to get another piece of the story and commercials make me crazy. (T.V. on DVD is pretty much the best thing that ever happened to me and if we ever get DVR I'll be spending WAY to much time watching the T.V. again.)
12. I love Arizona more than any place in the whole world.
13. I hate Utah more than most places I've been. (And I've been to quite a few places.)
14. When I was twelve (or maybe ten or eleven) I cracked my wrist in a roller skating accident that was, I believe, way more dramatic in my head than it was in real life.
15. My imagination is incredibly overactive and I tend to scare myself silly over nothing quite frequently.
16. Some times I wake up scared in the middle of the night and have to practically beat Ty to death in order to get him to wake up enough to make me feel safe. (I never hesitate to do it.)
17. I love chili flavored Fritos and Mc Donald's quarter pounder with cheese but I almost never eat either one because it kind of grosses me out that I like them so much.
18. I've been sewing since I was a little girl and I love it. I also love to crochet, quilt and I'm learning to knit. This sometimes makes me feel like an old lady trapped inside of my too young body.
19. Half way through the seventh grade I became obsessed with colored socks. I had a pair to go with every outfit I owned. Then in ninth grade I stopped wearing socks altogether and had to throw out more than one pair of shoes because they smelled too bad. Now I wear plain white socks.
20. I wore glasses for about six months and it was one of the worst things I've ever done. (I hate, hate, hate cleaning them every other second.) Now I wear contacts.
21. My favorite number is 3.
22. I am slightly OCD. I don't wash my hands all the time and I'm definitely not a clean freak, but I do have a thing for repetitive sounds/motions and I'm super obsessed with having everything in its place.
23. I use two kinds of conditioner and three kinds of lotion every day and I moisturize my lips obsessively.
24. I am slightly (super) afraid of guns, but not all the time.
25. I started coloring my hair in the eighth grade (thanks for going to beauty school Jules!) and, aside from a small and necessary 18 month break, I haven't gone back.


angiedunn said...

this post could also be called 25 reasons why angie loves kristen.

you are an awesome person.
i just love ya.

RPH said...

KRIS! Keep writing and blogging, you are not the only one who thinks you are funny!

Kaytie Brown said...

I SO second the 25 reasons why Angie loves Kristen (except I'm changing it to why Kayt loves Kris). It made me miss you though, but also really glad I got to chill with you for a bit.