Sunday, October 18, 2009

Exciting Weekend

So many great things happened this weekend! It was awesome. First of all, we finally got all of our boxes unpacked. Everything is organized, put where it belongs and clean. I can't believe how good it feels to have that done! Here's a little video tour of our house. (I won't be offended if you don't watch it. The quality is terrible and it's probably boring. However, if you do watch it, try to ignore the fact that our bed isn't made. Not only is our box spring being held together by yarn, but the entire bed is now up on stilts so we can store stuff underneath it. It's treacherous to move!)

Second, my little belly bump finally kicked me! Yay! It's nice to know she's alive and well in there. I've been feeling what was possibly her rolling around in there, but the kicking was for sure. (P.S. No, I don't know that I'm having a girl. I've just been calling the baby "she" since we found out we were expecting. Premonition? Wishful thinking? We'll find out a week from Wednesday.)
Also, today we got this awesome desk and couch for FREE!!! We've been looking for a table for my sewing machine for over a year and we couldn't find anything that I liked. This (slightly ugly) little desk is perfect! I love it and I've already used it.
And we had just decided that we were probably going to do without a couch for now, but having one is so much better. Leo loves to climb on it and we love having a place to sit that isn't a folding chair.
Our new apartment already feels so much more like home than Lana's basement ever did. Life rocks, people. Life rocks.


♥Tami said...

Fun Kris! I was starting to feel left out when I was reading this, thinking that you had found out you were having a girl and didn't tell me! Thank you for clarifying it.

Looks like things are looking up for you!

Janie said...

I totally watched the video. Congrats on moving and unpacking while pregs! I hope it's a girl too. Promise me you won't sew ALL her clothes, at least not while she is in junior high and stuff - little girl homemade is adorable, but maybe not the teenage.

Summer said...

Okay, there's nothing ugly about that desk, just nothing fancy about it, believe me, I've endured some ugly hand-me-down furniture! The couch looks great too, how you'd get blessed with such great free stuff? It looked like there were two cribs in Leo's room, is one for the new baby?