Monday, February 22, 2010

I've decided what I miss most about being childless.
Clean Floors
I swear I sweep and vacuum
and the floor is still dirty.
All the time.
It makes me crazy.


angiedunn said...

i just had that thought this very morning. i was walking in the kitchen & i had like seven cherrios stuck to my freaking foot....and then something mushy....a green bean, perhaps? over spill from the highchair drives me insane!!!!!!

and it's like, i wouldn't trade it, but for the LOVE people....can the floor EVER be clean???

Heidi said...

sometimes i think it is jakes goal to see how much stuff he can bring down stairs and what clean places he can clutter up.
ok, he is just being a kid- but it keeps me busy. i like a clean house.

RPH said...

I think that same thing about wiping the counters off. I do it a million times a day, yet my counter is always covered with crumbs and sticky stuff. The joys of being a mom, huh?