Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pregnancy and General Crankiness

First of all I'd like to say that pregnancy is turning me into a huge klutz! (And I was never graceful to begin with.) This morning I sat down right here in front of the computer with a bowl of pineapple and strawberries to read my e-mail. I grabbed a strawberry first thing and immediately dropped it on the floor. In my attempt to catch/pick up the strawberry I sent the entire bowl of fruit flying off the other side of my lap onto the floor and the space heater. It was not a happy way to start my day.
Second, I am also losing all ability to think rationally/remember anything that I talked to anyone about. The other day I was talking to Becca on the phone. Our conversation went like this:
Becca: Well, we both know what I'm getting you for your birthday. . .
Me: We do?
Becca: Yeah, remember? You told me what you wanted when I was up there.
Me: What are you talking about?
Becca: Are you serious?
Me: Yes, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Becca: You told me exactly what to get you.
Me: I have no recollection of us even having a conversation about my birthday, let alone what I told you to get me. In fact, I can't even think of anything that I want/need.
Becca: Well then, I guess it will be a surprise after all.
I swear I'm losing my mind.
And third, this is where the general crankiness comes in, we have neighbors who cannot seem to be responsible for their garbage. Not just one set of neighbors, five of them. There are six couples that live in two houses right together and we are the only people, literally the only people, who take our garbage can out to the street on garbage day. And I don't mean that they forget every once in a while. That would be understandable. I mean if we don't take everyones garbage to the street it doesn't get taken out. They can be spilling trash out onto the ground and still, no one thinks it's a good idea to take them out. And yesterday night we took out 4 of the six cans because they were overflowing, and the people can't even manage to put their empty cans back where they came from. I don't get it. And we would just let them deal with the fact that they have no where to put their trash, but the way they deal with it is by putting it in our can. Whatever.


♥Tami said...

Is this your subtle way to remind everyone that your birthday is coming up?

Summer said...

I had a good laugh over you last line (in fact I'm still laughing). I was wondering to myself what they were going to do with their trash. Just look at it like this . . . You have 6 garbage cans and you neighbors have none so you do the right thing and let them use yours :). When I read Tami's comment, I'd already forgotten about the forgetful conversation and was focused on the garbage cans and couldn't figure out what garbage had to do with your birthday :)