Monday, November 10, 2008

Catch Up

Sorry in advance. This is going to be really long and mostly pictures. There's a bunch of stuff I've been meaning to blog about and just haven't gotten around to it. Here goes!


Leo has been such a stinker about going to sleep lately. He absolutely refuses to take a nap and just runs a hundred miles an hour until he is so cranky he can't stand it. Then we can usually trick him into falling asleep for a little while.

Last Sunday he kept falling asleep and then waking up as soon as I set him down. I finally laid down with him and just rolled him off of me once he was out. Then he slept so long we had to wake him up so he wouldn't be up all night.

He falls asleep on Ty a lot. Probably because Ty just lets him cry himself out.

This one was taken at about 10:30 at night, which is way past Leo's bedtime. We went through our whole bed time routine and Leo just wasn't going for it. Little stinker!


Lately Leo just can't get enough of looking at his hands. Half the time he looks like he's trying to fight you. He's getting pretty good at picking stuff up and, of course, puts everything he can get a hold of into his mouth.


Last night we had stuffed pumpkin for dinner and we let Leo feel the guts before we threw them out. He actually seemed to think they were pretty cool. And he thinks pumpkin seeds are pretty tasty too. (Don't worry Raygon, we only gave him a little taste!)

Big Nerd:

I don't remember when this was, a few weeks ago maybe? Ty got Leo dressed and he put him in these newborn pajamas that he's never worn before. They were way too small and Leo ended up looking like a little cheerleader. (Short shorts, bare midriff, writing on the buns. . .) And of course we didn't take him out of it. We just spent all afternoon laughing at him. (I know, we're mean.)


Do you remember these babies? I used to love taking them in my lunch. I decided it would be a good idea to turn them into these:
Looks good, huh? It really isn't. I mean, they tasted okay, but they were a little too dry for my taste. They did however, end up tasting slightly salty. Unexpected, but not a bad combo. Next time I'll just use more oil or something.

So I washed the lion costume (According to the manufacturers instructions) and Lion's mane turned into an afro. Interesting fashion statement Lion. Very interesting.


Cheryl said...

he is growing up! the little debbie concoction looked like it would be EXTREME! I love that you are willing to try anything- well almost

Cassandra Romney said...

Leo Is just adorable! I can understand the frustration of getting no sleep because of him thou. Poor Rebers! Thats got to steenk! lol. Well maybe its just a short faise.

Cassandra Romney said...

Oh...and you need to take that costume back to where you got it and tell them what happend! We already have a President who can get a fro If he wants...we dont want anyone to mistake you guys for a democratic family do we!?!?

♥Tami said...

Funny! Love all the sleeping pictures! He has changed so much since the last pictures! I miss him!