Friday, November 14, 2008

Four Months

Leo had his four month check up on Thursday. He's up to 13 pounds 4 ounces (17th percentile) and is 24 3/4 inches long (42nd percentile). The doctor told us to start giving him rice cereal since he spits up about half of everything he eats. He really, really likes it until he doesn't. (What I mean by that is that he just devours every spoon full as fast as I can get it to his mouth and then all of a sudden he's done and he wants it as far away from him as it can possibly be. Hence the screaming face in the picture below.)

Also, the other day I was trying to look through the mail and Leo kept grabbing it. I gave him a page of the adds to keep him occupied and when I looked down a few minutes later this is what I saw. (If you blow it up you can see a little black mustache. Sick, huh?)


♥Tami said...

Love the stache Leo! It's workin' for ya!

Cassandra Romney said...

Oh how cute!