Friday, March 7, 2008

The Joys of Being Pregnant

Sorry, no picture today. I'm feeling a little too lazy for that. Today I had this crazy craving for oatmeal raisin cookies. It seriously came out of nowhere. I was just sitting there and I thought, "I must have oatmeal raisin cookies, and I must have them now!" "No problem, self" I thought. "We have oatmeal and we have raisins. All you need is a recipe." Can I tell you how nearly impossible it was for me to find a recipe? First I looked in the Betty Crocker Cookie Book. They had a recipe, but it called for Betty Crocker potato pearls. Strangely enough, I didn't have those on hand. Then I tried the Joy of Cooking book that (Ty claims) has a recipe for absolutely everything. They had oatmeal cookies, they had raisin cookies, but they didn't have a single recipe for oatmeal raising cookies. So then I pulled down every cookbook I own (with the exception of the ones I got from Weight Watchers and my Fat Free Cooking book) and looked through every one of them. I found two recipes in the 5 or more books. One called for a pound of butter, which I wouldn't have used even if I had it, and the other ended up being delicious. So in the end I got my cookies and I am a happy camper!

1 comment:

Marie said...

So...what cookbook was it in? There is an oatmeal raisin cookie recipe in the Likety-Split Cookbook that I've been thinking about lately...
I'm glad it was a mission accomplished for you!